Monday, 20 January 2014

Pitch Reflection



Pitch reflection:

Q) Are there any areas of the presentation you would like to give any more detail on?

-> Throughout my presentation I have given detailed explanations however, in terms of practicality and technically there were many more videos which i had uploaded. I had decided not to play these videos as i felt it was going to take to much time and I didn't want to make my presentation go over time. Also another technical problem was that I  unable to give detail on was  at the beginning of my music video pitch i had some technical difficulties so i was unable to clearly explain my song. I feel i gave a clear understanding of detail for my idea and my creativity which the audience had understood. I had also explained every part of the music video theory which i wanted to use in my music video.

Q) What did your audience identify as the strengths of your music video idea?

-> The audience found my creativity as one of the main strengths as they felt it was unique and different to the usual music video ideas. Creativity meaning my ideas for my music video, how it is not the usual love story and how my idea has a twist, which is innovative and new. My audience felt that i had practically thought through my days as my schedule was not fully booked with filming all days instead having three days shooting and then another 4 days neek week, so it was all separated. In terms of technicality i feel my audience did get an idea of what i wanted to portray as they clearly understood it. One of the strengths from my music video theory would be my idea of having my music video being a contradiction, so my lyrics contradict to the music as this was a new idea and you don't usually get to see music videos were the music video contradicts to the lyrics.

Q) What did your audience identify as areas for improvement? 

-> My audience had not identified any problems with my creativity except that it may confuse the audience, however i had explained my idea and once i had explained properly and they understood they didn't find it as a problem. The audience also identified a practical problem which was lip synching. Although i had decided to leave one week for lip synching i left that for the last week so the audience made me realise that i would need to shift it up so that if there was any problems i was able to have more time to do lip syncing. In terms of technicality and music video theory nothing had seemed to be a problem for my audience and they did not feel as though i had to change anything to do with technicality and music video theory.

Q) What changes will you make to your music video concept based on feedback you received? 

-> The only change i will only consider at the moment after seeing my feedback is the practicality on how i would need to change the last week as lip synching to maybe the second or third week. I personally dont see any other changes i would make to my music video concept. I dont see anything else being a problem for me so i don't really need to think of changing any of the following which include, creativity, technicality, and music video theory.

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