Friday, 21 February 2014

Production Log 5

What have you contributed to this week?

This week, Me and Ellie had started our filming with the cast members for our music video. Damanjyot and Bilal who signed for the casting roles in our music video. On the 16th February Sunday, we started our filming outside the Barley Lane Mental Health Hospital. We filmed in front of the mental health hospital and also on the sidewalks and pathways outside the hospital. Instead of filming on the high roads we decided that we should use the sidewalks as it was more convenience for us as we were not in the way of other people. We managed to get most our filming done on that day which was a positive for us. On Wednesday 12th February we went to London and filmed at many different locations such as the London Bridge, outside a restaurant, around St. Paul's Cathedral, and down near the River Thames. However many of the places were we chose to film at were not as planned we decided that they helped us as we travelled a long way and we made use out of the travelling as we filmed in different locations in London and not only the london bridge. On the 21st February which was a Friday, myself and Damanjyot went to Ellies house so we could film all the house scenes which were needed for the music video.

How does this fit with the production schedule/job roles/overall ideas for the project?

Having a production schedule is necessary as it allows you to be organised and aware of any situations which may occur. Me and my partner Ellie had to make sure our production schedule was not changed or discontinuous, and having a production schedule helped us to not make plans on that day of shooting. It also helped us so that there were no problems with filming it helped guide us. Filming meant that the job roles became serious and we had to be responsible. This also meant that we had to make sure everything was as planned and that our filming was close to complete before the end of the holidays. 

Were there any problems?

Yes we did have problems which occurred during filming. For example one which was the weather, we were aware that many times the weather will come across as a problem for us.  Many times there was rain and on the 15th February which was a Saturday on which we were originally going to film outside Barley Lane Mental Health Hospital the rain was very heavy which meant that we were unable to film. Another problem which we faced while filming was that our cast member Damanjyot couldn't film on Thursday 20th February at Ellies house. This was  because, Damanjyot had a situation to do with home so we had to change the date in which we could film which was a problem for us. As it was holidays and everyone else did have plans for other days as we had originally thought that we would be done filming by Thursday 20th February .

How did you/will you overcome them?

Me and my partner Ellie overcame all the problems and we dealt with the situation maturely. My partner as well as myself often checked the weather forecast on the internet to see if it would rain on the days we were planning to film and also for the whole week. We went to Barley Lane Mental Health Home on Sunday 16th February because as you can see on the picture below, it was suppose to be sunny on that day. We decided to film on that day and it was infact sunny  all day which was an advantage for allow us. For the situation of filming in Ellies house, we all had to adjust our plans. Ellie had originally planned to go shopping early in the morning, but she had persuaded her mum to let Me and our cast member to film in the morning for at least an hour and a half and she let us which was very thoughtful of her. Aswell as Ellie i also had plans as i was suppose to stay round my cousins house from Thursday night however due to this problem i told my family members that on Friday morning after filming i would come over which i had done. As me and Ellie dealt with the situation calmly and went out of our ways and adjusted the filming to our timetable we had completed all our filming which was supposed to be done on the Thursday.

What are the plans for the following week?

For the following week, me and my partner Ellie still have filming which need to be done for the music video. The scenes which were not done in the holidays are all the scenes which require us to use the school equipments of places in which the school is needed. One of the scenes involves greenscreen which is provided for us at school.The green screen is  Damanjyot performing in a mental home, and the scene where Damanjyot opens the door to where Bilal is. We also have some shoots where she is lip-syncing at Bilal and intimidating him, and so we are planning to do this in a room in the school.  Hopefully all the filming will be done by the end of the following week.


Friday, 14 February 2014

Production Log 4

What have you contributed this week?

This week Me and my partner have completed all the pre-production paperwork. We have also emailed places for permission to film such as outside the mental home, and London Bridge. Me and my partner have also had our teacher to check our work and on Thursday our teacher gave us permission to start filming as we had completed the paperwork up to the standard which our teacher expected from us. On Thursday when we began to film we also were lucky that our actress Damanjyot had a free which meant that we were able to get some shoots done for our music video.


How does this fit with the production schedule/job roles/overall ideas of the project?

The pre-production work will help us when we are filming for our music video as it means we will be able to film in different locations as we have received permission and it also means we will know what locations we will have to visit and when to do what scenes. The pre-production work will also allow us to understand the risk we may face during filming and how we can overcome them calmly. 
Were there any problems?

This week there were no problems except the issue with permission. The person whom we emailed for permission to film outside the mental home had replied to our message so we also got back to the message however the person whom we contacted wanted to contact us so we had to ask our teacher for contact details. 
How did you/ will you overcome them?

This wasn’t a major problem as our teacher dealt with the situation by contacting the person through email. So currently we have no problems and we are hoping that we will be given permission to film at the location which we had chosen. 

What are the plans for the following week?

The following week is our February holiday which means we have filming to do and its and advantage that its holiday because it means we are not time limited or restricted as we can film when we want. Me and Ellie have spoken to Damanjyot and Bilal and luckily they are both free which means we won’t have to worry about our cast as they are available. We are hoping to finish off all our filming before we come back to school however if we need extra days to film the week we come back we will be able to do shooting of any scenes we may wish to re-film ect. 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Music Video Permission

London Bridge:

Barley Lane North East London NHS foundation:

Reply from Barley Lane North East London NHS foundation: 

Our reply to Barley Lane North East London NHS foundation:

Reply from Barley Lane North East London NHS foundation: 

Our reply to Barley Lane North East London NHS foundation:

Music video Job roles and Responsibilities

Camera operator- Farhana
I will be doing the Job of being the camera operator. Me and Ellie have decided that from previous work which we both have done together, i had handled the camera well and Ellie also agreed that i should take responsibility  over the camera job. We had a mutual discussion and decided that my camera skills have advanced more since the last work which we both contributed towards.

Director and production manager: Ellie 
Me and Ellie have decided that the director and production manager should be Ellie. This is solely because, Ellie's idea for the music video had been chosen and she has better understand of what the overall music video should be reviewed as. I also believe that Ellie will take on the responsibility and role in a  much advanced way as she had also done this in previous work. Another reason why we decided that Ellie should take up this role is because she had also mentioned in her music video pitch that she would prefer to take up the role as the director, as she is aware of what she wants the overall completed music video to be presented as.

Editors: Ellie & Farhana
Ellie and I have discussed that we should both take up the responsibility of being the editors. We decided that it would be fair to share out the roles as we both have already taken up a job roles which we will be doing individually. We also decided that the overall editing skills would be more advanced as both our ideas would come together. Me and Ellie also know what types of editing skills we want to use so we can help each other when editing. When me and Ellie come to finalizing the music video, we both will be content that we have equally divided the roles so that neither of us has been burdened with the roles and how we both have put in equal amount of effort towards the final music video.

Main female actress- Damanjyot
Main male actor- Bilal
Special appearance- Ellie & Farhana

Monday, 10 February 2014

Music Video Film Contributor Release Form

Music Video Location Reccies

Barley Lane Mental Health Hospital - My Partner and I have decided to film outside the Barley Lane Mental Health hospital as it is part of our music video. In order for us to show our audience that our main character/actress, has come from this place and how she has escaped from this place. We decided to film in this location as on a sign board it says 'psychological services', this will enable us to show to the audience that we have explored and presented our music video to be as realistic as mentioned and how we wanted to portray our story line through the music video.


Chadwell Heath High Road/Side Roads - Me and my partner have decided to film around this area as we wanted to show our main actress as crazy as possible by having her walking down streets acting strange, and how she is different from everyone else. We decided this location would be suitable as it's usually not as busy which is a bonus as we won't be interrupted by cars and people, and we won't be in their way either. We have also chosen side roads which are quiet and spacious as this will allow us to film comfortably and freely as much as we want because it's a designated area.


London Bridge - Me and my partner have decided to film on the London Bridge or and around the location as we thought it was be a nice scenery to use for a romantic/date relationship feel. We have also decided that this location will be appealing to the audience and to show how we have gone out of our ways to film in different locations and so we thought London would be a great way to show that. On our train journey there, we have decided that we will film a scene on the train to show the journey of the couple and how they spend their time together. This is a positive for us as we can film at two different locations on the same day and it won't be a burden on us.


Green Screen - me and my partner have decided to use green screen of the inside of a mental health home for the chorus part. This will be shot as the performance scene of our music video and how we show the portrayal of our character through our main actress. We will have her lip-syncing throughout the performance scene and how she behaves abnormally.


Ellie's house - my partner and I have chosen Ellie's house as the location for the house scenes. We have chosen Ellie's house as it's accessible for us all, and our cast are also aware of where Ellie's house is and how to get there. We have also got permission from Ellie's mum to film around the house so she is comfortable and aware of what we are doing. We will be using Ellie's bedroom as our main actress's bedroom, the bathroom for when she burns the image, and we will also be using the hallway for when she comes in, stairs for when she goes up/down them, and a box room for the scenes where Bilal will be held captured.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Production Log 3

What have you contributed this week?

This week we continued on our shooting script. Our teacher came and had a look at our shooting script and gave us feedback. We were happy with our feedback as our teacher liked our idea, as it was unique and innovative. However our teacher had mentioned that we should consider changing the chorus scenes to performance scene on the green screen of the mental home. He also mentioned that we should consider using performance throughout all the choruses in the music video so that it gives that flow to the overall music video. This was completed and uploaded on to blogger on Wednesday.  We have also started our pre-production work. We have started filling in all the sheets and have a lot of paper work to do. We currently have all our call sheets completed. 

How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/overall ideas of the project?

It allows us to have a completed shooting script while shooting our music video. We will now be able to visit different locations and know what exactly we want to do and where. we will also be able to give out roles to our cast as we are fully aware of what we expect from them. pre-production work will help us when we are filming as it will allow us to have a clear idea of what we are suppose to do and also in which location and specific times which we have allocated to our schedule.

Were there any problems?

There were not any major problems. However we had to consider the feedback our teacher had given us so we decided to adjust our shooting script to the feedback we received. Because, we decided to change our shooting script there were a lot of scenes which we had to change around and fix so that it matches the lyrics and the overall music video flows. We haven't faced and problems in our pre-production work as we have only started it however if any problems occur we will approach them confidently. 

How did you/will you overcome them?

We overcome them by planning. Me and my partner Ellie had a discussion and decided that the feedback which our teacher gave was very important and we should take to consideration what we were told. We then decided to change our shooting script so that it matches our music video. 


What are the plans for the following week?

We will be starting our filming next week.  We will be doing pre-production work which includes, permission and a lot of paper work. Before we begin shooting we will have to get permission from any places where we will need to film for example permission for using the green screen at school and filming outside the mental home. We will then have to plan what days we will be shooting which scene and we will decide this looking at our shooting script. 


Music Video Shooting Script

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Production Log 2

What have you contributed this week?

This week we started our shooting script. It was very time consuming, me and my partner realised how long it took us and decided if we wanted to be on target or above target we had to put in more effort. On the first day when we started our shooting script, we didn't get any further than 8 shots. We both wanted to move ahead our teacher suggested that we both take it home however me and Ellie felt we found it easier doing it together as both our ideas came together and our shooting script did not overlap or get mixed up in the process of both of us taking it home and working on it individually.The next day me and Ellie had no lesson in the morning so we both came in school and did the shooting script which helped us a lot as we progressed and did up to 35 shots. The following day unfortunately Ellie was not in so i had to manage the shooting script and i did up to 50 shots, i then sent it to Ellie for her to check it and we communicated through Email and the phone.

How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/overall ideas of the project? 

This will help us for when we are shooting our music video because, every shot is analysed in detail so we are aware of what to shoot in every scene. This will also help us decide which location we will shot at and during which time. This allows us to make sure we know what are cast will be doing and how they will be contributing towards our overall music video.


Were there any problems?

Apart from Ellie not being in on one day there was not any other problems. This wasn't really a big problem however it would have been easier if she was in so that we could both contribute towards it however, it wasn't her fault as she was not well.


How did you/will you overcome them?

Well i had no other option but to continue the shooting script on my own, however i did message Ellie and updated her about what i've done. I also messaged her and told her to have a look at the shooting script and to change anything which needs to be changed. I also sent her the shooting script on email so that she could add anything if necessary.

What are the plans for the following week?

We are still in the process of finishing our shooting script so that will continue throughout next week. Our deadline is Wednesday so hopefully by wednesday we will have already completed our shooting script.