Friday, 14 February 2014

Production Log 4

What have you contributed this week?

This week Me and my partner have completed all the pre-production paperwork. We have also emailed places for permission to film such as outside the mental home, and London Bridge. Me and my partner have also had our teacher to check our work and on Thursday our teacher gave us permission to start filming as we had completed the paperwork up to the standard which our teacher expected from us. On Thursday when we began to film we also were lucky that our actress Damanjyot had a free which meant that we were able to get some shoots done for our music video.


How does this fit with the production schedule/job roles/overall ideas of the project?

The pre-production work will help us when we are filming for our music video as it means we will be able to film in different locations as we have received permission and it also means we will know what locations we will have to visit and when to do what scenes. The pre-production work will also allow us to understand the risk we may face during filming and how we can overcome them calmly. 
Were there any problems?

This week there were no problems except the issue with permission. The person whom we emailed for permission to film outside the mental home had replied to our message so we also got back to the message however the person whom we contacted wanted to contact us so we had to ask our teacher for contact details. 
How did you/ will you overcome them?

This wasn’t a major problem as our teacher dealt with the situation by contacting the person through email. So currently we have no problems and we are hoping that we will be given permission to film at the location which we had chosen. 

What are the plans for the following week?

The following week is our February holiday which means we have filming to do and its and advantage that its holiday because it means we are not time limited or restricted as we can film when we want. Me and Ellie have spoken to Damanjyot and Bilal and luckily they are both free which means we won’t have to worry about our cast as they are available. We are hoping to finish off all our filming before we come back to school however if we need extra days to film the week we come back we will be able to do shooting of any scenes we may wish to re-film ect. 

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