Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Production Log 3

What have you contributed this week?

This week we continued on our shooting script. Our teacher came and had a look at our shooting script and gave us feedback. We were happy with our feedback as our teacher liked our idea, as it was unique and innovative. However our teacher had mentioned that we should consider changing the chorus scenes to performance scene on the green screen of the mental home. He also mentioned that we should consider using performance throughout all the choruses in the music video so that it gives that flow to the overall music video. This was completed and uploaded on to blogger on Wednesday.  We have also started our pre-production work. We have started filling in all the sheets and have a lot of paper work to do. We currently have all our call sheets completed. 

How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/overall ideas of the project?

It allows us to have a completed shooting script while shooting our music video. We will now be able to visit different locations and know what exactly we want to do and where. we will also be able to give out roles to our cast as we are fully aware of what we expect from them. pre-production work will help us when we are filming as it will allow us to have a clear idea of what we are suppose to do and also in which location and specific times which we have allocated to our schedule.

Were there any problems?

There were not any major problems. However we had to consider the feedback our teacher had given us so we decided to adjust our shooting script to the feedback we received. Because, we decided to change our shooting script there were a lot of scenes which we had to change around and fix so that it matches the lyrics and the overall music video flows. We haven't faced and problems in our pre-production work as we have only started it however if any problems occur we will approach them confidently. 

How did you/will you overcome them?

We overcome them by planning. Me and my partner Ellie had a discussion and decided that the feedback which our teacher gave was very important and we should take to consideration what we were told. We then decided to change our shooting script so that it matches our music video. 


What are the plans for the following week?

We will be starting our filming next week.  We will be doing pre-production work which includes, permission and a lot of paper work. Before we begin shooting we will have to get permission from any places where we will need to film for example permission for using the green screen at school and filming outside the mental home. We will then have to plan what days we will be shooting which scene and we will decide this looking at our shooting script. 


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