Friday, 21 March 2014

Production Log 9

What have you contributed to this week?
This week we completed our music video and also uploaded it onto YouTube and blogger. Me and my partner Ellie had completed all the performance scenes as we were unable to do the green screen because of technical difficulties we filmed in the music studio.  On Tuesday, periods 1,2, 3 & 4, Ellie, ,Me and Damanjyot all had frees then, and decided to do the chorus scenes in the music studio. We managed to do that within periods 1&2, and put the footage onto the i Mac's and carry on editing in 3&4. We then edited all the performance scenes and finished editing the music video. We edited the London scenes to make it look as though it was a memory/flashback so we put a blur on the scenes and made it look as though it was not the present however the past. We also began our coursework on the codes of practice as our music videos were complete and we are now able to explain the music video in depth.

How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/ overall ideas of the project?
This fits into our production schedule as we had planned that we will complete the music video to the best of our ability. There are many changes to our music video considering we did not stick to our shooting script we still managed to keep some aspects of our shooting script into our music video. The job roles were balanced and equal between Me and Ellie as we both handled the work and managed the task confidently. Overall Me and my partner were content with the overall piece as we originally had a lot of problems starting with the green screen however we managed to overlook the problem and confidently deal with it.

Were there any problems?
We faced a lot of problems throughout our whole filming and editing period. During filming our main problems were when our cast were not able to film at the last minute or problems occurred which were out of our control. On the last week of our filming we managed to do green screen however it did not seem to work for us as we were unable to fit it in our music video without any problems. One of the main problems with green screen was that the lighting and Damanjyots skin clashed which meant that there was green visible on her face. Me and my partner still had not given up in fact we decided to try the green screen again only after our second attempt did we realise that we are short of time and that green screen will not help us so we had to look for an alternative which meant acting mature and looking for somewhere else to film. We originally planned to put a padded cell behind the green screen.  In our school we have a music studio and it somewhere looks like a cell however our actress was lip syncing the chorus and we wanted to get the message across to the audience that it’s a performance which is visually shown in our music video.

How did you/ will you overcome them?
We managed to overcome our problems by acting mature and understanding the situation which meant staying after school, in our frees and making this work. We had to get permission from the music department to use the music studio so we did this two days before we filmed so that we could make a backup plan if we were unable to film in the music studio. We were lucky to have received permission to film in the music studio as this help save time and made it easier for us to complete our music video.

What are the plans for the following week?
The plan for the following week is to continue with the codes of practice and also make sure we complete the work by Sunday as it’s out deadline. We also have to make sure we do it to the best of our ability aswell as making sure we include examples from our music video.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Production Log 8

What have you contributed to this week?
This week Me and my partner Ellie carried on editing our music video. Me and Ellie first continued with the intro and the first verse of our music video. Me and Ellie also done different variety of shots from the song and tried to complete parts which we were fully content with. Although we left it unfinished we made sure we completed the shots which we were completely sure about. We put all the lip syncing which our cast had done in the places where it was suppose to be. On Tuesday we had to stay back after school to re-film the green screen as we faced a few problems with the first time we had done the green screen. On wednesday me and Ellie decided that we should re-film the scenes which we were in as we felt the camera language did not engage with the audience.  

How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/overall ideas for the project?
This part of editing fits in with our production schedule as we completed the parts which we were completely sure about. Our original aim was to do the green screen for the chorus scenes which we also re-filmed on tuesday after school. My partner and Me had also agreed on the chorus being a performance and the green screen would be a padded cell to portray Damanjyot's character as our teacher had suggested this idea.The job roles consisted of me and Ellie both filming different shots and helped in directing Damanjyot while being filmed. The ideas for the overall project were looking interesting however, we did have doubts on our green screen as it wasn't going to plan when we were both filming and editing it as we experienced a few problems. 

Were there any problems?
We had experienced problems as mentioned before. Our first problem was re-scheduling the greenscreen on a day in which Damanjyot, me and Ellie were free. We also had to make sure no other group was filming on the same day as us. .Another problem we faced was that me and Ellie uploaded the footage onto Final Express Cut and the green screen lighting varied with a lighter green and a darker green shade in the background most of which were dark. We were left confused as to why this happened for the second time as the spotlights were always on while filming.

How did you/will you overcome them?
Me and Ellie dealt with our first problem calmly and decided all we could do is change the date to tuesday after school and try once again to make the green screen look completely perfect. Instead of aggravating we were calm and mature.The issue we had with the lighting left us baffled. We were unsure as to why this happened. Me and Ellie then got one of our teachers who was in the room at the time to look at the problem and she hadn't understood why that happened either.We were not very pleased as this happened for the second time, but began thinking of another plan. We decided to re-film, but this time, not using green screen, as we have already done it twice and it has not helped us in anyway rather it has delayed our editing. We decided we should have Damanjyot performing in a music studio, with maybe some elements of the green screen fitted in to the chorus as this will be best for our current situation and lack of time.
What are the plans for the following week?
Mine and Ellie's plans for the following week is to film the chorus scenes in the music studio and the green screen again. Our deadline to finish our editing is on Tuesday, which will mean coming back in our frees and after school to finish everything off and to the best of our ability. We have to make sure that our music video is perfect so that  we achieve the best grade possible and that of which we expect and are expected.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Production Log 7

What have you contributed to this week?
This week me and my partner Ellie had continued on editing. We managed to finish the beginning of the song and also different part of the lyrics were our cast lip synced. We managed to keep it at the same pace of the song. We also added any extra footage which were not uploaded. On the thursday me and Ellie had stayed after school and our cast member Damanjyot had done green screen which we decided to use for the chorus. 


How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/ overall ideas of the project? 
This fits in our production schedule as we had done the chorus and in our production schedule we decided to do green screen for the chorus. We also decided that the chorus would be perfomance and on the green screen it would be a grey padded cell to show that Damanjyot was in the mental home. Me and Ellie both filmed different parts and we both helped in directing Damanjyot. The ideas for the overall project was good however we did feel as though our green screen had not gone as planned but we decided to see how it looks once uploaded on to the Apple Macs.

Were there any problems? 
At first we had a problem with scheduling the green screen day as we had to consider the days in which Damanjyot would be free as well as me and Ellie. We also had to make sure that no other group will need the green screen on the same day so that we can tell our teacher to set it up for us to use it. We were suppose to originally do green screen on Wednesday after school however Damanjyot had straightened her hair which was not the look which we wanted and because Damanjot hair is frizzy and curly we chose her mainly for that reason. So we had changed the green screen day to thursday after school. We managed to get all the scenes done. However, once me and ellie uploaded the footage on to the Apple Mac the green screen colour had changed. some green screen were light green and some were dark green. We had been in the same location the light were on everything was the same however the green screen colour appeared differently. 

 How did you/ will you overcome them?
For our first problem we handled it maturely and decided that we should just do it on thursday as we want our overall work to be perfect so we wasn't going to take any risks. About the light difference we had spoken to one of our teachers and she was quite shocked because, we were in the same location the lights were the same etc. However, we tried looking for an alternative but myself and Ellie were not too pleased. Me and Ellie had decided we should re-film and instead of green screen use the music studio, but we will use part of the green screen. Me and Ellie will just have to find a day in which Damanjyot is free along with ourself. 


What are the plans for the following week?
Me and Ellie have to film the chorus again. We have to decide a day in which Damnjyot is free. Our deadline is thursday which is why me and Ellie will be going to media in our frees and after school so that we can finish the editing. Me and Ellie will also have to make sure that the editing is done to perfection so that we are both content with it and we know that we will achieve the best possible grade. 


Sunday, 2 March 2014

Production Log 6

What have you contributed to this week?
This week me and my partner Ellie filmed the hostage scene on Thursday 27th February. This part of the filming was the scene where Bilal was kept hostage. We decided to use a storeroom in our school as it was the perfect place to show someone kept hostage. We had to ask for permission, we received permission from the caretaker. On Thursday me and Ellie also uploaded all our filming on to the Apple Mac so that we can start editing.

How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/ overall ideas of the project? 
This fits in with the production schedule as we has originally decided to get all our work on to the Apple mac when we come back from the holidays which we are currently doing. Me and Ellie both put the work onto the Apple Mac which means we divided the job roles equally. Me and Ellie have already realised that our original plan and ideas have changed and once we begin filming our editing will be different to our original ideas as we have come up with improved and innovative ideas which we thought of whilst filming.

 Were there any problems? 
There was a problem which was fitting the dates to film the hostage scene. Dmanjyot and Bilal both have frees on Thursday 27th February  period 5&6 however me and Ellie have private study which seemed to come across as a hurdle for us as we originally planned to film this scene when Bilal and Damanjyot are both free as they are both needed and they are not allowed to come out of lessons and neither are we.

 How did you/ will you overcome them?
Me and my partner decided that we had to take action and try to look for a way in which it’s convenient for all of us, which means for our cast members as well. We spoke to our media teacher Mr Mallen and asked for permission to leave private study and film and in order for me and Ellie to do so we had to get our media teacher to message our private study teacher, which was done without any problems.

What are the plans for the following week?
 For the following week me and Ellie decided that we will start filming but before that we would do Damanjyots green screen which has to be done on a day in which Damanjyot is free. We also have to make sure the green screen is free and we are able to film. We have approached our teacher, we spoke to our teacher on the 27th February and our teacher had said we just have to find a time in which we are free and book from before. So me and my partner are hoping all the filming will be done next week alongside the editing will begin and carry on for the next two weeks before our deadline.