Friday, 21 March 2014

Production Log 9

What have you contributed to this week?
This week we completed our music video and also uploaded it onto YouTube and blogger. Me and my partner Ellie had completed all the performance scenes as we were unable to do the green screen because of technical difficulties we filmed in the music studio.  On Tuesday, periods 1,2, 3 & 4, Ellie, ,Me and Damanjyot all had frees then, and decided to do the chorus scenes in the music studio. We managed to do that within periods 1&2, and put the footage onto the i Mac's and carry on editing in 3&4. We then edited all the performance scenes and finished editing the music video. We edited the London scenes to make it look as though it was a memory/flashback so we put a blur on the scenes and made it look as though it was not the present however the past. We also began our coursework on the codes of practice as our music videos were complete and we are now able to explain the music video in depth.

How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/ overall ideas of the project?
This fits into our production schedule as we had planned that we will complete the music video to the best of our ability. There are many changes to our music video considering we did not stick to our shooting script we still managed to keep some aspects of our shooting script into our music video. The job roles were balanced and equal between Me and Ellie as we both handled the work and managed the task confidently. Overall Me and my partner were content with the overall piece as we originally had a lot of problems starting with the green screen however we managed to overlook the problem and confidently deal with it.

Were there any problems?
We faced a lot of problems throughout our whole filming and editing period. During filming our main problems were when our cast were not able to film at the last minute or problems occurred which were out of our control. On the last week of our filming we managed to do green screen however it did not seem to work for us as we were unable to fit it in our music video without any problems. One of the main problems with green screen was that the lighting and Damanjyots skin clashed which meant that there was green visible on her face. Me and my partner still had not given up in fact we decided to try the green screen again only after our second attempt did we realise that we are short of time and that green screen will not help us so we had to look for an alternative which meant acting mature and looking for somewhere else to film. We originally planned to put a padded cell behind the green screen.  In our school we have a music studio and it somewhere looks like a cell however our actress was lip syncing the chorus and we wanted to get the message across to the audience that it’s a performance which is visually shown in our music video.

How did you/ will you overcome them?
We managed to overcome our problems by acting mature and understanding the situation which meant staying after school, in our frees and making this work. We had to get permission from the music department to use the music studio so we did this two days before we filmed so that we could make a backup plan if we were unable to film in the music studio. We were lucky to have received permission to film in the music studio as this help save time and made it easier for us to complete our music video.

What are the plans for the following week?
The plan for the following week is to continue with the codes of practice and also make sure we complete the work by Sunday as it’s out deadline. We also have to make sure we do it to the best of our ability aswell as making sure we include examples from our music video.

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