Saturday, 8 March 2014

Production Log 7

What have you contributed to this week?
This week me and my partner Ellie had continued on editing. We managed to finish the beginning of the song and also different part of the lyrics were our cast lip synced. We managed to keep it at the same pace of the song. We also added any extra footage which were not uploaded. On the thursday me and Ellie had stayed after school and our cast member Damanjyot had done green screen which we decided to use for the chorus. 


How does this fit in with the production schedule/job roles/ overall ideas of the project? 
This fits in our production schedule as we had done the chorus and in our production schedule we decided to do green screen for the chorus. We also decided that the chorus would be perfomance and on the green screen it would be a grey padded cell to show that Damanjyot was in the mental home. Me and Ellie both filmed different parts and we both helped in directing Damanjyot. The ideas for the overall project was good however we did feel as though our green screen had not gone as planned but we decided to see how it looks once uploaded on to the Apple Macs.

Were there any problems? 
At first we had a problem with scheduling the green screen day as we had to consider the days in which Damanjyot would be free as well as me and Ellie. We also had to make sure that no other group will need the green screen on the same day so that we can tell our teacher to set it up for us to use it. We were suppose to originally do green screen on Wednesday after school however Damanjyot had straightened her hair which was not the look which we wanted and because Damanjot hair is frizzy and curly we chose her mainly for that reason. So we had changed the green screen day to thursday after school. We managed to get all the scenes done. However, once me and ellie uploaded the footage on to the Apple Mac the green screen colour had changed. some green screen were light green and some were dark green. We had been in the same location the light were on everything was the same however the green screen colour appeared differently. 

 How did you/ will you overcome them?
For our first problem we handled it maturely and decided that we should just do it on thursday as we want our overall work to be perfect so we wasn't going to take any risks. About the light difference we had spoken to one of our teachers and she was quite shocked because, we were in the same location the lights were the same etc. However, we tried looking for an alternative but myself and Ellie were not too pleased. Me and Ellie had decided we should re-film and instead of green screen use the music studio, but we will use part of the green screen. Me and Ellie will just have to find a day in which Damanjyot is free along with ourself. 


What are the plans for the following week?
Me and Ellie have to film the chorus again. We have to decide a day in which Damnjyot is free. Our deadline is thursday which is why me and Ellie will be going to media in our frees and after school so that we can finish the editing. Me and Ellie will also have to make sure that the editing is done to perfection so that we are both content with it and we know that we will achieve the best possible grade. 


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