Monday, 25 November 2013

99 dollar music video research

What is is a convention/institution which allows new or upcoming music artist and film makers to gain the opportunaity to portray their innovative and new idea. The budget must be of $99 and the artist and film-makers can be as creative as they like. However, the official site has been taken off and all that which is left is the YouTube channel. On the YouTube channel the making of some music videos are also accessible so that audience can see how the final outcome of the music video was compared to the start.
This website 'showcases music videos from today's best independent bands and up-and-coming filmmakers, all made with a budget of under $99'. This website now has a music channel on YouTube where you can upload a video, this can be done by anyone with a low-budget, but music video that they would like to show to an audience. 

What is their ethos?
99dollarmusicvideos ethos are
-The artist has to be able to make a $99 music video within 24 hours
-The artist has to also edit within 24 hours
-The artist has to be able to show their creativity and innovation throughout the music video
-Another one of $99 music videos ethos would be bringing together a film producer and an artist to create a new innovated and good music video. 

                                                  What types, labels and genres of music appear on their website? 
The types of genres which appear on the channel of 99dollarmusicvideos varies. There are many different types of genres which have been shown on the channel however, the main ones are rock, soul, indie and soft punk. The artist who have made these music videos or who have worked with 99dollarmusicvideos are all independent artists who are trying to promote themselves to an audience. This channel permits unknown artists to compose a music video, which will allow them to become well known. These upcoming/ new artists can introduce a innovative and new genre of music. The artist being independent has a lot of positives such as they can be as creative as they want and they can add any new innovation they want without needing to do what a director asks for.  

What is the relationship between, their filmmakers and music acts? 

99dollarmusicvideos believe that there must be collaborations between the filmmakers and the artist. On YouTube if you watch the making of music videos you will also realize that the film makers and artist collaborate and work together in the making of the music video. There is a video on YouTube which talks about the 99dollarmusicvideos. 

Which costs are and aren’t included in the $99?
Equipment’s such as the camera and tripod equipment’s are all given and these do not have to be paid for. This equipment’s are only provided to the artist for a 24 hour period. Other product such as the editing equipment’s which the 99dollar company provide is also for the use of 24 hours. The artist can buy any sorts of props which is needed however, these must be bought with the $99 provided, the artist is not allowed to go over $99. The artist could also arrange for other things which may be needed for the music video such as the outfits for the artist, the dancers and other props.

How does encourage audience participation? provide new, unknown and upcoming artist with the chance and opportunity to make a music video with $99.The artist and band does not have to pay for anything as the costs are all provided for. aim to encourage the audience to show them that not a lot of money needs to be put in to make a good music video, all the artist needs is the basic equipment’s and the creativity and innovation to make it seem different and unique. On the YouTube channel they have a range of different music videos and this can help inspire new audience or upcoming artist in producing a new piece of music, which is creative and unique compared to other music videos.

Is it possible to make a professional quality music video for $99?
I believe it is possible to make a professional quality of music video, if you have the correct basic equipment’s such as camera, tripod and the correct props. If the artist has a good innovative and new idea than achieving a profession quality of music video is easy to achieve. This is a good example of a music video which was presented on the 99 dollar music channel on YouTube.

This music video portrays a wide range of camera movements. It uses a range of different shots some of which include mid shot, long shot etc. There is also a camera movement which is around the band and the artist has embedded special effects that were seen back in the days, old school style. This music video shows that all an upcoming artist needs is an innovative idea and a camera. However this music video does not have a clear storyline to it as it does not make sense, despite this fact the music video is eye catching and the artist has also included stop-motion, for example at 0.58 seconds. This stop-motion is something which was quite unexpected as audience usually believe that this can only be done if you have a lot of money for this type of technique and style.

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