Good use of cuts
This music video portrays a good use of cuts inserted in the music video. The techniques used varies as there is a large number of cuts however, these cuts have been done in a way in which the whole music video flows. The music video demonstrates lots of cuts because, this music video is also a pop song so the pace of the song is also fast. The cuts have been used in certain sections in the first 0.21 seconds the music video already has up to 24 cuts. These cuts have been done really well as they are on beat.
This technique has been successful as the music video cuts to the beat, however if the music video had not cut to the beat then this would have not been as well presented. This music video would also have not have captivated the audience as they would be able to see faults which would be a negative. The effect of having this many cuts in the music video is so that the music video flows and also engages the audience. It is also to attain the audience and also to make sure that every part of the song is cutting to the beat.
This music video would impact the viewer in many ways. This music video would have a positive impact on the engagement as it is visually interesting to watch as there is dancing, the effects used are also visually appealing. There is also an interesting part were the artist is covered in silver paint this is shown at 2.25 seconds. These techniques engage the audience to watch the music video as it is effective and also interesting.
This music video represents the artist as being a strong women and women with high status. This music video portrays that women can be strong and that at they do not need to be dependent on anyone and can manage and be independent. At 0.32 seconds there is a light which is coming from the back of the artist, this may signify her importance, and superiority within the music video however it may also portray her confidence.
Bad use of cuts
This music video portrays a bad use of cuts used in the music video. The actual music video stays the same throughout the whole video, the actress remains in the same place, the emotions also are the same. The artist was unable to change the emotions represented on the face. This effect has not attracted the audience. The music video did not have any elements of surprise or any element that would surprise the audience.
This technique has not been successful as the artist has not been able to portray the emotions of that which was suppose to be portrayed. The artist also stood in the same position throughout the whole music video. This music video has not been successful in many other ways such as engagement. The audience were not at all engaged throughout the whole music video, as the artist had the same emotion throughout.
This music video had a negative affect on the audience. The audience did not like the effect and the techniques used in this music video as they did not enjoy the music video. There was nothing mesmerizing which allowed the audience to engage with the artist.
This music video represents the artist as tedious and unattractive. The artist remained the same throughout the whole music video so the audience did not find that attractive and they also felt as though the artist could not bring the emotions portrayed in the lyrics on the face, this was one of the weak points of the music video, this is one of the techniques which made this music video unsuccessful however, the artist standing in the same position throughout the music video 0.02 seconds to 3.21 seconds is also another reason which did not appeal to the audience.
Special effects- This is technique which is used over a wide scale. The special effects include
visual effects and graphics, editing effects, stop motion animation, set alterations and green screen
The above listed is a range of different techniques which could be used to make the music video more appealing to the audience.
Good use of special effects
This music video has used the techniques such as stop animation. This effect has done justice to the music video as the overall music video is visually appealing and has also attracted a wide range of audience. This technique is basically when the person performing is in one place however the background or surroundings may differ. For example in this music video the lady is on the bed the whole time but the background of the bed is always changing to match the pace of the song and the story. The effect of special effect is firstly to engage and entertain the audience. It is also to make sure the story has been portrayed in a way in which the audience will watch and not get bored of.
This technique has definitely been successful. It has attracted a wide range of audience. The music video itself is a success as the stop animation was done to perfection. The music video was visually appealing which keeps the audience engaged and entertained.
This music video has had a positive impact on audience. There are many viewers of this music video, and most of these viewers also enjoyed this music video and found it entertaining. This music video has kept the audience engaged as it was entertaining and also visually captivating. The effects and techniques of this music video has kept the audience attentive and engaged to this music video.
This music video represents the artist as creative and imaginative. This music video also allow the audience to understand how the artist has taken the effort to create and effective piece of music video. This technique is a very unique technique which is a very good way to keep an audience entertained however, if this is not done to perfection it will not be visually appealing. One of the scenes which may have been most appealing would be 2.20 seconds because, the idea of being under water and have the socks being fishes is a new creative innovation.
Bad use of special effects
This music video has portrayed a bad example of special effects. This music video does not even use effects that are realistic. All the effects used in this music video make the music video unrealistic and unreal. This element of surprise has had a negative effect as it is not a technique which would appeal to a wide range of audience. The effect of this music video has not appealed to the audience as it is not attracted as the audience can tell its unreal and they may feel that this music video has been irreverent in comparing the lyrics to the visuals.
This technique has was unsuccessful as the audience did not enjoy the special affects. The audience may have felt the special effects were clumsy as they had portrayed to much unrealistic features of element which did not appeal to the audience.
This music video has had a negative impact on the audience as the audience were not able to interrelate with the artists of this music video. The effects used in this music video has not been able to entice to a wide range of audience as they felt that this music video was not enjoyable and the special effects were to apparent.
This music video represents the artists as afraid, however it may also portray the artists as immature and childish for running on top of the train 0.55 seconds. This is one of the special techniques used which shows the unrealistic factor of this music video. This music video shows the audience how the artists have been portrayed as a toy puppet, at the beginning of the music video 0.21 seconds, we see how the artist have been controlled. This special effect may appeal to some audience as it is effective and interesting as well as visually appealing.
Cutting to the beat- This is essential. For any type of music video, cutting to the beat is very important. If for example the music video is not cutting to the beat then it will affect the music video as it will not be visually appealing as well as the audience will feel that the music video is lacking in organisation and structure. If the music video does not contain a critical part it will not be appeal to the audience.
Good use of cutting to the beat
This music video uses the technique of cutting to the beat perfectly. The artist has made sure the beats match the lyrics and also were the cuts are necessary. Cutting to the beat is very crucial as that is the main part in whether the music video can be a success or not. If the music video does not cut to the beat then the overall music video will get a negative response from the audience as it does not allow the audience to encounter fully. The effect this technique has is positive as the audience understand the lyrics and it also portrays that which is shown on the music video.
This technique of cutting to the beat was successful as the artist has been able to match the lyrics and the cuts to the music. This technique allow the music video to flow at the pace of the song and the music video also matches the beat of the song. If the artist had not cut to the beat then the artist would not have connected with the audience because, it would not have been as chromatically appealing as it is now.
The impact the music video has had on the audience is positive as the audience are able to understand the music video. The cutting to the beat has been done professionally so the audience, see that the song flows in a way in which the music video matches the lyrics. The music video illustration is not as visually appealing as there is also a small story in which the song is trying to portray alongside with the lyrics.
This music video represents the artist as a leader, strong, loved and also helpless. The artist has been portrayed as a leader as the artist is shown to be the boss of the business in the music video. The artist has also been portrayed as strong as the boss of any business has that strong status, and domination over the workers. The artist is also loved by the workers as they all praise the artist and try to please the artist by giving compliments. In one part of the music video, 1.15 seconds the artist seems helpless in font of a lady who stops the artist from talking, this shows the women has dominated over the man. This also portrays the lady as someone who is important to the artist as the artist has not reacted or caused a scene rather the artist has kept quiet.
Varied camera language- Camera language is necessary. This is also another factor which keeps the audience interested and keeps them attentive in watching the music video. For example if the music video has no effects, no camera movement then the audience will lose interest and the audience will also get bored. However, if a music video has different varieties of camera language it will keep the audience visually appealed.
The techniques used in this music video is very good as the artist has used a range of camera techniques. The artist has considered a range of techniques to keep the audience entertained. The effect of this music video is positive as the audience has intermingled with the artist. The audience has enjoyed and also collaborated with the artist.
This technique has been successful as it has attracted a wide range of audience. The audience enjoyed the range of techniques used. The camera techniques have allowed the audience to interrelate and interact with the audience. If a music video only had one camera language technique it would not allow the audience to interact and engage with the artist.
This music had a positive a good impact on the audience. This music video allowed the audience to interact and cooperate with the artist as it used a wide range of techniques. The main technique which was clearly visible had to be the different camera techniques.
This music video represents the artist as eye catching and unique. The audience are shocked to see this surprising form of the artist. The music video they had excepted to see is different to their expectation. The artist is eye catching as the artist is shown as bold and the costume is also very unique and eye catching. The artist is also seen as unique as the artist has occupied a wide range of audience in this new form, the clothing of the artist is also unique as it's different. The camera language is a wide range in this music video as the camera varies in many different cuts, 1.23 seconds the camera is long shot but mid section, and then at 1.24 seconds its a side section. In one second the camera position has changed so over all the camera language varies in many different sections.
This music video has not used a range of camera language. The camera position remains the same throughout most of the music video. The effect of this music video is not so effective as the audience did not get to see a wide range of camera language.
This technique has not been successful as the audience fond the music video boring however, the actual music did attract the audience. Although the music video's camera language was not a wide range the audience enjoyed the music. The technique could have been successful if the artist used a range of camera language.
The impact this music video had on the audience was positive but negative. The music video was not visually appealing as it did not have a range of camera language. The audience however enjoyed the music video as it was attractive and enjoyable. This music video was also attractive to a range of audience.
The artist was represented as attractive however, the camera language made the music video boring. The camera language was not varied so it made the music video less attractive. However the actual music video seemed to interest, engage and entertain the audience. As you can see at 0.48 seconds the artist is standing while singing the lyrics even to the end of the music video the artist is still standing singing the music 3.53 seconds. There is also another person in the music video who remains the same throughout in one position as shown at the end of the music video as well 3.51 seconds.
Green screen- This is a very useful technique. Its a technique which has given artist the freedom of doing whatever they desire as there is no limit and it is also money saving. Green screen is basically when you have a screen behind you which is 'green', once you have made the shot in front of the green screen that scene or shot can be edited to have anything behind it, this technique helps the artist to be in any area/location without actually being there. This technique is mostly used in areas were it is hard or it is either impossible of taking a shot there. This technique is also used in situation were the artist can save money. The only problem an artist may face is, making it look realistic, with green screen it is important that it looks realistic and no part of the artist is hidden or cut off.
This music video uses green screen and it has been portrayed in a positive way. The green screen which has been used has been done professionally so the audience are unable to know were the green screen has been used. The effect of this technique is mainly to make it look effective and as though the audience is actually doing that which is shown however, the artist is not. This technique is a very good way of portraying scenes which may not be possible such as being on top of the universe.
This technique has been successful as the audience have enjoyed it as well as collaborate with the artist. The audience have been entertained and they have also enjoyed this music video as the techniques used vary. There are all sorts of techniques used and the green screen was done in a way in which the audience were unaware.
The impact this music video has had on the audience is positive because, the artist was seen in different location which is one of the qualities which allowed the audience to interact with artist. The music video also impacted the audience in terms of engagement, the audience felt engaged with artist and this music video was also visually appealing.
This music video represents the artist as popular and well known. This artist is also a TV star who has represented this music video in their movie. This song was a big hit and a lot of the viewers are those who know the artist. The artist is also represented as innocent as the artist has been portrayed as a sweet, innocent, high school girl.
This music video portrays a bad example of green screen. The technique has not been used effectively as the artist can not be seen clearly, this is clearly because, the artist has not used the green screen correctly. The artist can be seen half and the colours interfere with the music video. The effect of this music video could have been positive however, the green screen was not done correctly so it was not effective rather it showed lack of organisation.
This technique has not been successful as the audience know that the green screen was not used efficiently. The audience can clearly state were the green screen has not be used correctly. The artists face should not come up as green or the colours interfering with the face. The music video has colours interfering throughout the whole music video.
The impact this music video has on the audience is negative because, the audience can tell were the green screen has not been used effectively. The green screen colours have made the music video clash as the audience have not interacted well with this music video. The audience also did not enjoy this because, it was not visually appealing.
This music video represents the artist as unattractive and unorganized. Unattractive because the visuals are not clear and they may have a negative affect on the audience, as they will not find it amusing neither attractive. This music video may be seen as unorganized as the colours have created interference in the music video which may cause problems.
(bad-big sean beware)
Lip-syncing- This is also a very crucial and important factor that all artist have to take into consideration. Lip-syncing has to be done in a way that it looks realistic, if it is not done the correct way it will make the whole music video look unprofessional. Lip-syncing is a very hard technique however, if the artist knows the song then it is a lot easier as they know the words, all they have to do it make sure they are at the same paste as the singer.
Good use of lip-syncing
This music video has used the technique of god lip-syncing. The artist has made sure that she is matching lyrics and has also made sure that the pace at which the song has been sang matches the mood and emotion of the artist. There are many things to consider when making a music video which has lip-syncing. The lip-syncing has to look profession and in order for that to happen, the artist has to firstly make sure they know the lyrics, secondly make sure they understand the lyrics so that they can match the emotions of the song to the lyrics and lastly the artist has to be able to match the pace of the lyrics. The effect of this technique is very useful and also very important. In certain situations you may not be able to perform live or sing live, so the best way is to record before and then lip-sync however, there are many risk in doing so. The artist may find it difficult to lip-sync, or they may not be able to match the emotions to the song.
This technique has been very successful as the artist has done the lip-syncing perfectly. The artist has sang the lyrics to match the pace of the song, the artist has also matched the emotions to the song. While singing the emotions have also been portrayed, which shows the technique has been successful.
This music has a positive effect on the audience as it keeps them connected to the artist. This music video is also very entertaining as there is dance and it is visually appealing for the audience. This music video was a huge success so a wide range of audience did find it compelling and also enjoyed the song. The artist is also a well known and popular artist so that is another reason behind the success of the song.
This interprets the artist in many different ways. Firstly at the beginning of the music video it has a text which say 'The only way to a women's heart is along the path of torment'. This means getting a women is difficult and that path is hard. This music video also portrays the artist as wanting to person she loves calling her name as the artist sings ' how do you think i feel when you call my, when you call my name, say my name baby' this indicates the love which the artist feels.
Bad use of lip-syncing
This music video has portrayed a bad use of lip-syncing. in this music video the artist is unable to lip-sync and the lyrics do not match the singer. The artist has not been able to match the emotions with the song the artists was unable to match the emotion and also the artist did not lip-sync correctly and was off track and behind. The effect of this technique has gone completely wrong as the artist was not suppose to show that it was lip-sync however, this was very evident as the lip-syncing was not done professionally.
This technique has not been successful as the artist has not learnt the lyrics correctly, or the artist has not been able to sing to the pace of the song. The artist may have found matching the lyrics to the pace of song hard or the artist may not have been able to understand the lyrics in terms of the way it's suppose to be sang. It seems as though the artist did not understand the lyrics as the artist was unable to match the emotions to the song.
This music video has a negative effect on the audience as they were unable to understand how the lyrics matched the surrounding. The artist was singing in the kitchen, which was not matching the mood of the song. This music video is very open although the lyrics are hard to understand . This song has not done good firstly because, of the bad lip-syncing and secondly because, there is no meaning to the lyrics so the audience could not engage with the song.
This represents the artist as confused and unaware of what the song means. The artist was unable to lip-sync the song correctly so it shows that the artist had not understood the meaning of the song, the artist was also unable to portray the meaning of the song however, the artist did understand that it was about when she is gone how everyone will feel 1.46 seconds. This music video has not done as good as it could have as the audience could not interact and engage however, there are a lot of people who can do the cup song.
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