Concert: This music video is when the audience can see an artist live at a concert. This takes place live on a stage where the artist performs and the audience can see them live. This is different to 'as live' which is another style of music, this is when it is all set up to make it look like the artist is performing live in front of an audience although they are performing in a place where it is made to like they are performing live however, they have people to make it look as though it is live. An example of an 'as live' music video would be 'JLS' music video 'Everybody in love' Another style of music which is different to concert is performance this is when you see the artist performing however, they are performing to the camera and not to an audience.
The convention of a concert would be crowd, fans, lighting, mic, camera and much more. These conventions are present in this music video. Justin Timberlake also had these conventions present in his music video as all of the above listed were portrayed in the music video.
The institution would use this style and its convention to gain profit and more recognition. This is the best way for fans to come and see their favourite artist and this style would also mean a lot of profit for the institution. The institution will gain money for everyone present at this concert as the audience have paid to come and see the artist perform live.
The impact this has on the audience is a positive impact as the audience as surprised as well as overwhelmed to see the artist perform live in front of them. This also means they can see how the artist is as a person and how they react to the fans and audience. The audience also have to pay to see these artist perform live, at times the locations in which the artist perform are quite far so some audience travel to see these artist perform live. This music video is a 'Justin Timberlake Mirrors' where the artist sings live in a show. This style of music is presented and portrayed as a concert as there is an audience as shown in the music video, for example 0.10 seconds the audience are visible and we can see them cheering for the artist. The artist is performing on a stage live in front of an audience, and the audience have paid to see the artist perform live. This music video shows a range of factors such as the audiences reaction to the artists music etc
There is not much i can take from this music video as my music video will not be a concert however, I can take the idea of having my actor/ or actress to sing and dance the way the artist has managed both well.
Justin Timberlake Mirrors Live 2013 on Ellen
Narrative: This music video is when there is a clear story line in the music video. This may relate to another music video or it may just be a music video which portrays a story the artist is trying to represent, it may be their own story or they may be portraying this story from someone else point of view.
The conventions of a narrative would be a storyline, emotions, showing that which the lyrics say etc. These conventions are shown in this music video as there is a story line and emotions are present. In this music video we see the tension and visually see the pain and emotion present. At the beginning of the music video 0.06 seconds we see a couple having an argument which shows the sense of tension and pain, it also shows that the lady has been suffering. From the lyrics we also get a clearer understanding that this pain is all because, of one person.
The institution would definitely use this type of style and convention as it is the best way to relate to real life stories. This is also a good way of portraying a story as the audience understand the story line as soon as they see the emotions and actions, more than the lyrics if the visuals are presented in a way in which the story flows the lyrics will make sense to the audience.
The impact this has on the audience is positive as the audience is visually entertained. This music video is portrayed in a way in which the audience get to see a story which is portrayed and reflected through a song. If the storyline is interesting and is portrayed the way in which the lyrics match the song then this music video will affect the audience in a positive way. This music video by Kelly Clarkson is portraying the story of pain and how trusting is not easy. This also portrays the feeling of betrayal and sacrifice. The lyrics match the story portrayed in the music video.
From this music video i can take the idea of portraying a story from the lyrics of my chosen music video. This has motivated me in trying different styles as it shows the effect it has on the audience.
Kelly Clarkson- Because of you
Animation: This type of style and convention is when the artist uses stop motion and digital effects to create an animated video. Animations include types such as cartoon, stop animations for example the music video 'Her morning elegance'.
The convention for this type of music video would be drawings, pictures, stop motion etc. 'Coldplay strawberry string' does have all the conventions which a animated video would have. There are drawings in this music video for example 0.08 seconds the background is drawn, the bed is also drawn, in fact most of the music video has drawings. Pictures are used and presented in this type of music video, although it may have been drawn there were pictures of people used in this music video. Stop motion was also used in this animated video, for example 0.15 seconds this was also used throughout the whole video as this was a stop motion music video.
The institution would use this style as it is a way of keeping the audience entertained. This type of music video would definitely appeal to a wide range of audience as it is entertaining and different. The way in which this music video is made shows the hard work put into making this however the overall outcome is really good. This style is also very unique as many people find it hard to execute this the right and correct way as this is style takes a lot of effort, organisation, structure and plan to make sure it is done the correct way.
The impact this style and convention would be a positive impact however, this must be done in a professional manner or this will not have a positive impact on the audience rather a negative impact on the audience as they will not be entertained. This is a very unique style so it will attract a wide range of audience.
From this music video it will be very hard for me to use the style and convention in my music video. However, i may use this style in a section where i feel i will be able to use it and execute the style in the manner in which it should be presented.
Cold play- Strawberry string
Intertextuality: This type of style and convention is when one media text refers to another. This music video gets ideas from the movie, this may be from one scene and puts that into a music video however, this may have a new innovation which the artist wants to portray. There are two types of interpretive music video which are pastiche and parody.
Pastiche: This is when an artist pays homage to a music video to reinvent a scene from a movie or using the same scene in the music video.
The convention for this music video would be the atmosphere, the clothing and the props. The atmosphere may be portrayed in a different way however, it still has some consistency such as the grass, although it would be in a brighter environment in the original Alice in wonderland, the atmosphere will still have grass. For example at 0.41 seconds we see the clothing of the lead actress is a party dress similarly the actress in Alice in wonderland will also have a dress. This consistency is shown as 'Avril Lavigne' is also in a party dress to show the similarities. The props which remain the same would be the tea party table, the turnips which are also shown etc.
The institution would use this type of style and convention as it helps relate to different stories and media. This style is a very good way in which artist can get ideas for music videos. Getting ideas from films or another type of media and portraying that in a music video is a very good way for artist to show a new innovation and style.
The impact this style has on audience is positive as the audience are able to relate and compare the differences between the two stories. This style is usually when an artist would get ideas from a film and portray that in a music video, with either a new element of emotion, or a new innovation. This style would keep the audience interested and would also be a good way to portray a new story or a new twist.
I would also do research and see whether my chosen music video is from any other media type such as a scene from a film. From this music video i have understood that there can be different forms of interpretations, i can also change the style of a certain scene and give it a different idea or twist and make it more interesting and different.
Avril Lavigne- Alice in wonderland
Parody: This is when an artist makes fun out of a certain music video or scene. This is mainly done to make fun of a certain artist or to mock the artist. This can be reinvented however it is usually portrayed the way the artist feels it has been shown.
The convention for this music video would be the opposite of what a scene or a music video which has been used to reinvent this music video. This music video is clearly taking the mic as you can see, there is a guy dressed as a girl an so on. This music video is insulting the original 'Call me maybe' the artist of that music video is Carly Rae Jepsen. For example at 0.32 seconds when the guy is shown as the girl, it indicates that this music video is parody as the artist is made fun of. This is just portraying the feeling of the artist and it portrays how this artist finds it pathetic and does not like the song so they reinvented a song which is making fun of it.
There are many institutions which may use these types of music videos because, they either like the reinvented song or they feel the song will attract a wide range of audience.
Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call me maybe'-Rolanda & Richard
There are many institutions which may use these types of music videos because, they either like the reinvented song or they feel the song will attract a wide range of audience.
Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call me maybe'-Rolanda & Richard
Interpretive: A music video that interprets the visuals directly into a story that matches the lyrics. This means having visuals that relate to the song.
The convention for this music video would be the things which relate to the lyrics. The things which are present would have been said by the artist. This music video does have the conventions an interpretive music video should have. When the artist sings it at night and fireworks burst from her chest and soon inspire young people throughout the city to overcome their fears and insecurities, in the process igniting their own fireworks. A reserved overweight girl, playing the role of wallflower at a pool party, finds the courage to shed her clothes and jump in the pool with her friends. In the music video at 1.00 minute a leukemia patient at a children's hospital proves to herself that she can show herself out on the street and in public despite her loss of hair.
The institution would use this convention as it helps the audience get a better understanding of the music video. Having these type of conventions allow the audience to be entertained and also allows the audience to realize that the music video does relate to the lyrics as there are some music videos which do not relate to the lyrics.
The impact this has on the audience is positive. If the music video relates to the lyrics the audience is more likely to be entertained. This would also make it easier for the audience to understand what the artist is saying without having the lyrics presented.
This is one of the conventions i am definitely willing to consider for my music video as i believe this will help keep the audience entertained. This will also be a easy way to make sure the lyrics match the music video.
Katy perry-Firework
Impressionist: Imagery that matches the mood and pace of the song but not always the lyrics. This style is when the mood matches the song however the lyrics have nothing to do with the mood.
The convention for this music video would be anything that of which is opposite to the lyrics. For example if the lyrics is sad, the atmosphere would be happy and lively. In this music video the beat and pace of the song matches the mood however, the lyrics don't match the mood. This music video is very lively and upbeat and so is the mood the whole music video is upbeat especially at 0.43 seconds. The lyrics of this song is very weird and different as the words mentioned can not be understood, the lyrics are also fast in a way it matches the mood.
An institution may consider this style however, there is a risk. This style is a very different and an institution may not want to take a risk. This is a very unique technique as it is opposite of what an audience may have expected.
This can have a positive and negative effect on the audience. A positive effect would be if the audience find the technique interesting and the music video entertaining. Although the audience may find this weird and unrelated meaning that this music video was that which was not entertaining. The audience may not be attracted to this style as this style may confuse some people in understanding the music video.
I may not use this technique as it is a very weird style. I most probably would not want to take the risk, however if i did use this technique i would want it to be visual that i have used this style, and i have not just made it look like the lyrics is irrelevant to the music video.
Surrealism/abstract: Works that feature of element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions, and an image that you won't necessarily expect to see.
The convention for this music video would be that which is unexpected. For example this music video also has unexpected features such as mannequin The audience are left to understands the music video for example at 0.51 seconds they will feel the mannequin will come to life unexpectedly as shown in thee music video.
An institution may want to use this style as it gives the audience that which they would not expect to see.The element of this music video would be an unexpected surprise for the audience. The institution may feel that this would be an element that will keep the audience entertained.
This is can also have a positive or negative effect on the audience. If this music video has a positive effect it means the audience understood the lyrics, and enjoyed the unexpected element of surprise. On the other hand if the audience did not like this music video, it would most probably be because, they didn't like the surprise, or they may have found the unexpected surprise irrelevant.
I would only use this in my music video if i feel i can execute the element of surprise in a way that the audience will understand the link with the music video. If i feel that this technique will not make sense or if i feel it will ruin my music video i will not embed this style.
David Guetta-Turn me on
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