Monday, 9 December 2013

Analysing Your Song

Analysing your song

Target audience: 

A= age: This song will be aimed at young teenagers and adults (16-20) because; it’s a song which is attractive to this age range. It’s also a song which people of this age can relate to as it's about love and relationships. This song is quite an upbeat song, it most probably would not attract an age range above 20 or those younger than 16 as they will not be able to relate and connect with the lyrics.  
G= gender: This song is aimed for both male and female audience. The song is sung by two male artists however, this song will also attract female audience because, its a classic R&B song. The rhythm and pace of the music is consistent throughout. This music video seems to be targeted more towards a female audience rather than a male audience because, it’s to do with love and relationships, the music is has also been sung by male artists.

I= interest: This song has been illustrated as an upbeat song with a consistent rhythm. This song also has a lot of beats which match the lyrics throughout. This song represents love, passion and desires. The interests of the artist is finding love and having a relationship.  

L= location: This song is to do with love so the location would have to be in an area were love can be portrayed. I would like it to be in different locations. For example at the beginning when they meet it would be when the guy is walking home at night and he sees the lady, and gives his number to the lady. Then it could be the lady is shopping with her friends and sees the guy. At the end i want it to end with a romantic dinner and a long night drive. I personally everyone from the age of 16-20 would engage with this type of location, i dont feel that there is a certain city or country that would engage with it in particular however, the people who understand English language and the song would engage more than the people who are unable to understand the lyrics. 

E= ethnicity: This would be black as the artist of the song is black. However, i may not stick to this when making my music video as i need to find someone who will be willing to do this task and someone who is also reliable. It also depends on who i chose to be in my music video, along with my partner.

Analysing lyrics:

"Callin Me"

Jackie boyz (boyz), n'd,
Aaahhhhh, yeah (yeah), Oohhhhh (ooohhh), She got that(she got that) She got that, she got that for mi,

The lyrics start off with the name of the artist's. The lyrics then relates to a 'female'. This indicates that this song is related to a lady and their relationship. It also portrays love, for example 'She got that for mi' this signifies love and passion. The audience will realise from the begninng part of the lyrics that this is a love song.

She love my *ish,
Baby where she goe'z
She thinkin about it,
I know that she knows,
That she can't do without it,
On the telephone,
Oh no no she just can't fight it,
And I'm there 4sho, baby I'm there 4sho,
I got cha girl (girl), I got it 4ya, (baby)
I got cha girl (girl), I got it 4ya, (baby)
I got cha girl (girl), I got it 4ya,
Keep callin mi, callin me, callin mmmeeeee, (hey yeah)

The lyrics above are the main parts of the lyrics. In music term 'hook' means part of the lyrics which catch the ear of the listener. It also means the part which is in the song throughout, like the chorus.  This part of the lyrics is catchy and it also denotes the love between the two artist's. This also implies as to how the lady is constantly calling the guy and how the guy is also giving her that attention and love. The audience are able to connect with the lyrics as they can relate it to their personal life, there may be someone special in their life. Also this part of the song is the hook and the audience may relate to this part of the song more than any part of the lyrics as this is the main part of the song.

I got this girl from by the name of rose,

She fine, man she makes her man just lose control, (and I)
And therez this crav'in that she has 4 mi,
It cud be anywhere, she wants a physical release,

This part of the lyrics portrays the ladies desires. It also presents her love which she has for the artist. The artist also mentions how the lady wants love from the guy, and how he also finds her attractive. The audience will understand the love being portrayed through the lyrics and this may remind them of their first love or of someone special in their life.

(And she say'z)
Oh baby baby how I luv how u luv'in, my number 1 I wud put nafin abuv it,
And just wen I was satisfyed, she comes rite back 2 nite,
Callin me, callin mi, callin me.

This part of the lyrics delineates  love and what the lady thinks. As the lyrics start with 'And she say'z' this clearly shows the emotions of the female artist. The lyrics depict the ladies emotions and how she feels loved. The part 'My number 1 i wud put nafin abuv it'. This line illustrates the importance the male artist has in the ladies life. It also shows her love for him. At the end of the lyrics, 'And just wen I was satisfyed, she comes rite back 2 nite, Callin me, callin mi, callin me'. This shows how the guy is feeling, his emotions are mixed. He loves the lady however, when he thought she would leave him for some time she comes back. This could either mean two things which is he is happy or he wanted to be alone for some time. The audience may feel the emotions of the singer and think deeply about the lyrics and what it is trying to portray or they may also relate this lyrics to their personal life. The lyrics may be useful; to them and they may feel that they can take some sort of advice or morale from this lyrics.


The lyrics for the hook are the main parts of the lyrics. In music term 'hook' means part of the lyrics which catch the ear of the listener. It also means the part which is in the song throughout, like the chorus.  This part of the lyrics is catchy and it also portrays the love between the two artist's. This also explains the fact that the lady is constantly calling the guy and how the guy is also giving her that attention and love. The audience are able to connect with the lyrics as they can relate it to their personal life, there may be someone special in their life. Also this part of the song is the hook and the audience may relate to this part of the song more than any part of the lyrics as this is the main part of the song.

I got this shorty by the name of kim, (oh yeah)
She won't giv it 2 him, she be try'in to take good care,
And garenty it's gonna b a problem, (problem)
Because she'z faithful, only thinkin of mi, (only mi)
She wants my luv, she needs that sexual release,

'She won't giv it 2 him', this illustrates how her love is for one person. She loves one person truly. The second part 'She be try'in to take good care' this is basically proving that she does have love and desires for one person. The artist also mentions 'She'z faithful' this clearly designates his belief and trust. This part of the lyrics may get the guyz in a relation to think if they are giving their partners the love which they deserve, this will make them think about how they should make their partner feel special. The lyrics helps people realise and understand the depth of emotions portrayed through words.

(And she say'z)
Oh baby baby how I luv how u luv'in, my number 1 I wud put nafin abuv it,
And just wen I was satisfyed, she comes rite back 2 nite,
Callin me, callin mi, callin me.

This part of the lyrics reveals love and what the lady thinks. As the lyrics start with 'And she say'z' this clearly shows the emotions of the female artist. The lyrics register the ladies emotions and how she feels loved. The part 'My number 1 i wud put nafin abuv it'. This line announces the importance the male artist has in the ladies life. It also shows her love for him. At the end of the lyrics, 'And just wen I was satisfied, she comes rite back 2 nite, Callin me, callin mi, callin me'. This shows how the guy is feeling, his emotions are mixed. He loves the lady however, when he thought she would leave him for some time she comes back. This could either mean two things which is he is happy or he wanted to be alone for some time. The audience are left to understand what the initial meaning of the lyrics is, understanding the lyrics is important so that you know what the artist is trying to say. Some audience relate their personal love life with the story behind the lyrics.

The lyrics for the hook are the main parts of the lyrics. In music term 'hook' means part of the lyrics which catch the ear of the listener. It also means the part which is in the song throughout, like the chorus.  This part of the lyrics is catchy and it also portrays the love between the two artist's. This also demonstrates how the lady is constantly calling the guy and how the guy is also giving her that attention and love. 
The audience are able to connect with the lyrics as they can relate it to their personal life, there may be someone special in their life. Also this part of the song is the hook and the audience may relate to this part of the song more than any part of the lyrics as this is the main part of the song.

Shorty be on da side kick,
All day only chocolate,
And she'z callin me callin me callin me,
Giv me a call on my iphone,
Shorty got my ring tone,
And she'z callin me callin me callin me,

This part of the lyrics talks about the female artist and how she constantly keeps calling the guy. 'All day only chocolate' this could relate to treats which they have.The part 'Shorty got my ring tone', this represents and illustrates how she is always the recent number on the guys phone. Young couples will understand the meaning behind this part of the lyrics as they probably at that stage where they are constantly texting or calling each other. 

The lyrics for the hook are the main parts of the lyrics. In music term 'hook' means part of the lyrics which catch the ear of the listener. It also means the part which is in the song throughout, like the chorus.  This part of the lyrics is catchy and it also portrays the love between the two artist's. This also discloses as to how the lady is constantly calling the guy and how the guy is also giving her that attention and love. 
The audience are able to connect with the lyrics as they can relate it to their personal life, there may be someone special in their life. Also this part of the song is the hook and the audience may relate to this part of the song more than any part of the lyrics as this is the main part of the song.

Jackie boyz (boyz), n'd,
Aaahhhhh, yeah (yeah),
Oohhhhh (ooohhh),
Will keep callin me callin me callin me

The artist's finish the song with their name. They also end with the title of the song however this time its 'Will keep callin me, callin me, callin me'. This also states how the artist is still expecting to get calls by his loved one. This part of the lyrics is the ending and how the artist ends with a happy ending being a morale for the young lovers that if you want it to work you both need to make it work, giving each other the love, will make your relationship stronger.

Analysing tempo:
Tempo means pace. Analysing the tempo is basically when you analyse the pace of the song. The tempo for this song is not of high pace nor low, i would say it's in the middle, so medium pace. The tempo is quite soft which also reflects to the genre type of R&B and soul. This genre of music illustrates a story within the song, which is related to love. I have thought about the types of cut which i will be representing in my music video. I have decided to use a lot of cuts as this will match the pace and tempo of the song. I want my music video to have different types of styles and conventions such as narrative, interpretive and impressionist. The reason i have chosen the three is because, i want my music video to be innovative and unique, so i feel using different styles and conventions will help make a successful music video.

How you would visually communicate this in a video?:

I would visually communicate this in a video by portraying and representing that which i feel matches the music. I will also make sure the lyrics match what i have portrayed. This song is related to a female artist who calls the man. I will show this by having my female artist calling the guy. This can be represented in many ways, such as the ladies side calling the man, the man's side picking up the call. I would portray illustration in this music video by matching the lyrics to the video. For example, 'she comes rite back 2 nite' for this part of the lyrics i will have my female artist going to the male artist. This is part of illustration as the actions match the lyrics. 

I will also use amplification. This is when the music video is designed to enhance the style and mood of the song. This can be done easily as i will make sure the mood matches the pace of the song, For example for the main parts of the lyrics, the hook, i will make sure i show both the artist's side, the female artist may have the phone in her hand waiting to call, and the male artist may be looking at his watch waiting for the call. 


I don't think i will contradict the lyrics because, i have already decided to make this music video with the styles and conventions of narrative, interpretive and impressionist. I believe contradicting the lyrics will not suit my plan for the music video. 

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