Friday, 6 December 2013

Creating my artist's identity

Artist's detail

Jackie Boyz- This artist consist of two brothers
           Carlos Battey
           Steven Battey

Carlos Battey- 32 years old (Born August 2,1981)
Steven Battey- 28 years old (Born June 16,1985)

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Black

Origin: Jackie Boyz are originated  from Savannah Georgia and United States

Record Label: Unsigned

Albums: Jackie Boyz have released two well-received albums in Japan. "Love & Beyond" and "Songs in My Blackberry" continue to sell thousands of digital downloads both domestically and internationally

Location: United states- Los Angeles

Jackie Boyz started their music career singing at the pier on River street in Savannah Georgia where they were raised and born. Their inspiration was the love for music which came from early age. Their mother was an inspiration for them, Jackie Battey (R.I.P). The name they are known by carries a memory of their mother and the music they portray to the audience. The loss of their parents influenced and motivated the two to leave Savannah, Georgia and pursue their music careers. These artist's have made music and ever since they arrived to Los Angeles three years ago they have been making hit songs.

They are currently working with award winning producers and artist such as flo rida, Harvey Mason Jr, Rodney Jerkins, Brian Kennedy, Rob Knox and many more. As song writers they have collaborated with artists such as
Flo Rida 'Sugar', Chris Brown 'Graffti' and many more well known artist.

Samples of clothing you would like them artist to wear:


My artist could either wear an Aztec t-shirt or an Aztec printed jumper. The reason i have decided to choose Aztec print is because, its in fashion and also because, it suits the song which i have chosen for my music video. Another reason is also because, i also really like Aztec print.


I have also chosen beanie hat because, i feel they suite my artist and also goes with the clothing i have chosen for my artist. I also like snoods, i feel it also goes with the look i have decided for my artist.
I also chose this beaded necklace because, i feel it looks different and also quite unique for an artist. I chose Ray Ban's because, i really like them and i also feel it goes with the style i have created for my artist. It also makes the artist look fashionable.


I decided my artist could either wear burgundy chukka boots or Nike air forces.  I like both and they also go with the outfit. Both the chukka boots and air forces go with the clothes i have chosen for my artist.

I have chosen peace bracelets and a Hugo boss watch. The reason i have chosen two different types of jewellery is because, the bracelet is a fashion statement and a style i feel will suit my artist, however i feel a watch is also an important jewellery piece which my artist should also have.

Samples of typography you would use for their logo:



The above images are the type of images i would use for my logo because, this song is related to love and relationships. All the above images link to love. The iPhone is included because in the lyrics, there is a part which is, 'Giv me a call on my phone'. Also because, this whole song is about calling and talking on the phone. The rings relate to relations, and how the artist and the person he is singing to are related, and what's their relationship like?

Samples of mise-en-scene (Setting, props and lighting) you would use in their video:


I have chosen the 'London eye' as part of my setting. The reason behind choosing the 'London eye' is because, it is a romantic area. This area is best to portray love and relations. As you can see above there is an image of candles and flowers this illustrates love. I have chosen this image to portray a candle light dinner which i also want to include in my music video. 


The setting and lighting would also be romantic. The reason as to why i have chosen the night and the moon is because, i also want some of my shoots in the music video to be at night with the moon and the night sky. Parts of my lyrics relate to night such as, 'She comes rite back tonight'. The roses indicate love which also has an 'I love you' tag.


The  iPhone 5 is a prop which is needed in the music video because, its related to the music. The lyrics also convey the fact that an iPhone is needed. The image on the right is an image of a restaurant. I also wanted my music video to have my artist go to a restaurant to show how the artist is as a person and this could be portrayed in this manner. 


The rings illustrate that the couple are together or they are planning to get together. I wanted this prop in my music video because, it is also an important prop which will allow the audience to understand the relationship behind the artist and the actor. The image of the road represents long drive. This could be a romantic long drive. 


The image of the chocolate goes with part of the lyrics 'All day only chocolate'. This is also to represent happiness and what people love. This can also portray love which is shared. The image of missed calls represents betrayal and waiting for someone. It also shows how someone cares for you, it can also mean irritation and frustration because they are not replying. 

Samples of colours you would use in your artist's identity:


These are the few colours which i feel could relate to my artist. The colour teal represent passion and i feel the lyrics represents a form of passion for love and desires. The colour red illustrates love and lust, this is clearly portrays my artist identity. The colour pink represents unconditional love and passion. The colour yellow illustrates cheerful and happy. I feel my artist's mood is happy, the music is also quite upbeat. Navy blue represents, trust. This definitely relates to my lyrics. Navy blue can also mean and relate to 'one to one conversations' this can either be private or serious, about love or over an argument. 

Samples of imagery which their song evokes in your mind: 

The first image represents two people in love and are united. This can also mean the two people share a strong relationship. The second image relates to love and passion. This is the love which is shown in the lyrics of the song. The third image is an  image of illustrates arguments and disputes. In a relationship there is always ups and down and this is also represented in this song.

The first image illustrates the song i have chosen very well. This is because, the lady is trying to call the man all the time and the man is always busy. The lyrics portrays this, for example 'Keep callin mi, callin me, callin mmmeeeee, (hey yeah)'. This indicates that the lady is consistently trying to call the man, she never gives up. The second image also links to the first as its an image of a lady holding the phone, waiting for someone to call, or hesitating to call someone. The last image relates to the lyrics as its about 'calling', it also goes with the song.


The first image represents love and desires. This is clearly shown in the lyrics, for example 'She fine, man she makes her man just lose control'. This part of the lyrics illustrates love and compassion. The second image represents sadness. This could portray an argument has taken place. This also links to the lyrics because, the artist mentions, 'She comes rite back tonight. The last image represents emotions. This may the emotion the lady in the song. This image of the tears on the ladies eyes portrays sadness. 

The reason i have chosen the image above is because, i believe this song is quite confusing. The audience have to understand the lyrics to get the song. The emotions portrayed are mixed, there is also two ladies mentioned in the lyrics so the audience are left to understand the relationship between the man and the two ladies.

A photo of the person you would have to play your actor in your videos:


Unfortunately i haven't been able to find anyone to be my actor and actress. I am still looking and im hoping i find my artist's by next week. However i feel this is an important task and i do wish to decide this with my partner, as i feel this is important and i would like to have someone who is reliable. This means choosing the right people and taking the time to see if the person is fit to do the job. 

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